Etiopiando: your travel agency to Ethiopia

Naturaleza Salvaje: Cataratas Nilo Azul, Desiertos, Sabana, Valle del Rift, Parques Nacionales, Alta Montaña, Lagos, Volcanes...

Wild Nature: Blue Nile Falls, Deserts, Savannah, Rift Valley, National Parks, High Mountain, Lakes, Volcanoes...

Welcome to the country of radical contrasts: on your trip to Ethiopia you can go from an altitude of 4,500 meters above sea level in the Simien Mountains, to being very close to hell at -100 mbnm in the Danakil Depression. The aridity of the desert undoubtedly contrasts with the imposing Blue Nile Falls.

Multiculturalidad: Tribus Nómadas, Etnias Orgullosas, Religiones Ancestrales, Coloridos Mercados... 

Multiculturality: Nomadic Tribes, Proud Peoples, Ancestral Religions, Colorful Markets... 

Ethiopia has a distinct cultural and linguistic identity from the rest of Africa. It is a crossroads of ancient Judeo-Christian civilizations to the north with Muslim settlements to the east and nomadic tribes to the south. And all this within the same border...

¿Qué me espera en Etiopía? Ciudades Históricas: Lalibela, Bahar Dar, Gonder, Harar...

What awaits me in Ethiopia? Historic Cities: Lalibela, Bahar Dar, Gonder, Harar...

Did you know that Ethiopia has the most important religious pilgrimage centre in all of Africa? And that it is in Ethiopia that the Ark of the Covenant is hidden? Do you know the legacy of medieval castles known as the African Camelot?    Get ready to travel back in time...

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